About Me

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Worcester, Worcestershire, United Kingdom
Born in the year of the Coronation, I'm a Baby Boomer. In April of this year I decided I too would have a Diamond Jubilee celebration and completely change my life and that of my Husband's in the process

Tuesday, 5 December 2006

Soon Be Christmas

December 5th and I haven’t done a thing towards Christmas! …..I tell a lie, I have bought some Christmas Cards but I think I’m just about to miss the last posting date to America, so I need to sort that out tomorrow.

We managed to get Mike’s papers all sorted to go to the accountant. I really do not like him being self employed now. Pay as You Earn was so much simpler and you didn’t get any nasty shocks at the end of the year. Yes, we just had a nasty shock. When you first go Self Employed you don’t pay 12 months, for some reason you pay 18 months. Bloody Marvellous!! So we’ve had a little juggling of the Mortgage Repayment Fund and with me doing a small sideline in prostitution , I think we might just manage to pay it. If not I think we might have to look into selling our kidneys as a last resort, as unfortunately Mike had a vasectomy 30 years ago and so that rules out the possibility of the lucrative sperm donor avenue.

But apart from potential bankruptcy, life is hunky dory.

We went to Devon at the weekend for a surprise 40th Birthday Party. That makes me feel old, it was for the son of my cousin and I was bridesmaid at the wedding, 43 years ago!

We had a lovely time and the hotel was beautiful but the bed was crap, so we didn’t have a very good night’s sleep but there were other benefits and the breakfast was excellent.

We were up early and had a walk around Sidmouth. I’ve never been there before and found it very pretty. It was the morning after a very stormy night and the sea and the light quality was fantastic, have a look at the photos and see what I mean.

School is busy with the usual Christmas things going on , we had the Fayre on Friday, which was very well attended and I think we made quite a lot of money.

Not a lot else to say, just that life is very busy at present.


Anonymous said...

Hey look at you with pictures on your journal ,mine didnt come back ,Iam not envious of you having to do ,the paper work for the taxman ,no wonder you havent started on Christmas ,we always get there in the end though dont we ...love Janxxx

Anonymous said...

what great pictures:) Happy Birthday to you and Happy Anniversary also have  a good week


Anonymous said...

Those photos were very dramatic (especially the one of the sheep!). You could get them enlarged and frame them. The sea never looks like that over here, even on windy, cold days the water is always blue. Very boring. Em xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Linda, I am glad you had a good time at the surprise party and its always nice to go to a new place.  Shame about the bed.  I have never been to Sidmouth but after looking at the pictures, I think its a place I'd like to visit.
I always have trouble sleeping away, especially for only one night.  Everyone else sleeps except me!  We are going away tomorrow and I couldn't sleep with anticipation, so explains why I am up at this unearthly hour.  
Had to laugh about the sperm donor.  I was relieved when my husband went on PAYE but sometimes if you have a clever accountant the tax is not too bad and I think you can pay in instalments (I think they are pretty reasonable if you contact them, especially if he is just starting to do this and wasn't aware).
Hugs.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, I'm not sending any gifts or cards to the USA until after the 15th, as we have to wait until the next pay day to have enough money to do so.  I've already warned everyone.  My husband and I looked into becoming self-employed and it was really scary stuff!  I don't envy your husband at all!  I wish I could get paid for worrying.  I bet you wish you could too, huh?


Anonymous said...

only just bought a few presents yesterday and I have plenty of time! could not get into the Xmas feeling! Hope you manage to have a good Xmas love conniex

Anonymous said...

Oh Linda that sounds serious ~ I know all about being self employed and accountants and the like and it is not nice at all ~ hope you don't have to take up prostitution LOL ~ The sperm bank seemed a good idea but !!!!!!.......glad you had a good time at the 40th Birthday party ~ The photos are lovely ~ Ally

Anonymous said...

The photos are lovely Linda! Hope bankruptcy doesn't come your way... well it won't will it, what with the prostitution and the kidneys for back up (LOL!).

Anonymous said...

im reeealy behind with my xmas shopping, i just dont now when or how to start this year, help!!!!Beckie.xx

Anonymous said...

Curly Wuggle is just gorgeous!

be well,